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UPSC   |   09 March 2023 01:31:44

Eastern Rajasthan Canal Project

The Union Government proposed a mega project to merge two projects - Eastern Rajasthan Canal Project(ERCP) and the Parbati-Kalisindh-Chambal River link.

The Eastern Rajasthan Canal project is aimed at harvesting the surplus water available during the raining season in Southern Rajasthan and using it in the water scarce south-eastern districts of the state. 

Rajasthan holds only 1.16 percent of India's surface water and 1.72 percent of groundwater.

Among the state's water bodies, only the Chambal River Basin has surplus water which cannot be tapped directly because the area around the Kota barrage is designated as a crocodile sanctuary. 

The project is hence including diverse structured, interbasin water transfers, linking channels, and building pumping main feeder channels.